Maryam, thesis title: “Integrating Deep Learning and Software Engineering”, ongoing
Tahereh Zohdinasab, thesis title: “Exposing and Explaining Misbehaviours of Deep Learning Systems”, 2024
M.Sc. Theses
Francesco Pinzauti, co-advised with Marino Miculan, 2024
Lodovico Azzini, thesis title: “Opening the Black Box: Heatmap Clustering to Understand the Misbehaviors Exposed by Automatically Generated Test Inputs”, co-advised with Paolo Tonella and Tahereh Zohdinasab, 2022
Kiarash Jamshidi, thesis title: “Exploiting Video Games to Test Autonomous Vehicles”, co-advised with Paolo Tonella and Tahereh Zohdinasab, 2021
Raffaele Sellitto, thesis title: “Tools and Techniques for Memory Leak Detection in Android Mobile Applications”, co-advised with Anna Rita Fasolino and Domenico Amalfitano, 2017
B.Sc. Theses
Dario Simone, Stefano Monte, Lorenzo Biribin, Lorenzo Basoc, Oliver Stevanovic, Gabriele Saba, Gaia Simeoni, Giacomo Zampieri, Gianluca Fabris, Matteo Blonda, Iury Fior, Alessandro Gerotto, Alberto Movio, Nicolò Pettarin, Federica Zamparo, Nicola Revelant
Simone Giacomelli, Nelson Brochado, project title: “Extreme Testing of Self-Driving Cars”, 2019
Secondary School
LAM, Tutor for school-leaving exams, 2022
SJF Study Week, project title: “Telemetry Dashboard for Self-Driving Cars”, 2021
U.I.C.I., Computer training for the visually impaired, 2016-2017